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Sports Massage

Are you someone looking to aid or prevent further injury? A sports massage can be exactly what you need to rebuild and become renew. A sports massage is for you if you are looking to develop your overall mental and physical health with little down time and and rapid recovery. 

Sports Massage is a massage treatment that is curated to  primarily benefit those who are active or apply a lot of stress to the body such as athletes. This massage style focuses on injury prevention and treatment, improving flexibility and range of motion, and boosting athletic performance. At Rejuvenating Touch we utilize a mix of methods, including Deep Tissue Massage and stretching, to target the muscles and connective tissues most damaged by your specific sport or activity during a sports massage. A basic warm-up is usually followed by more specialized treatments aimed to target problem areas or address particular ailments.

How does Sports Massage work?

What makes Sports Massage different from other kinds of massages is its ability to manipulate the muscles of people with physically demanding lifestyles. Hence, this kind of massage focuses on specific joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. According to individual needs, it can be tailored to involve some areas more than others. In this way, it maximizes the benefits and prepares the individual for further physical activity and exertion. Rejuvenating Touch Body Works offers Sports Massage for athletes in Irvine. 

Some exclusive benefits of Sports Massage include:

Healing effect

Most athletes have experienced a form of injury or physical strain. Depending on the athlete’s personal medical history and the kind of sports they play, they need a catered Sports Massage so they can heal efficiently.

Performance booster

Sports massage Therapy specifically targets the areas of the body that are used the most during exercise or activities. This kind of therapy strengthens their muscles and joints, so it acts as a performance booster.

Toxin removal

Another benefit of Sports Massage that facilitates an athlete’s recovery is the removal of muscle toxins. When muscles remain busy working for a prolonged time, it results in the build-up of lactic acid. Also, this toxin accumulation begins to hamper muscle function. This lactic acid build-up may cause knotting and painful muscle binding. It could result in a quick drop in athletic ability as well as affect areas of their lives outside of sports.


Sports massage Therapy helps to loosen the knots in overused muscles. This also causes lactic acid and other painful toxins to be released from the muscles. Once free, they enter the body through blood, where the body can remove these toxins.

Unwinding and relaxing

Besides being used as a part of therapy, Sports Massage Therapy can be continued in routine life. This can keep an athlete’s muscles relaxed in the off-season. In other words, having a regular Sports Massage Irvine can act as a preventive measure to help the body sustain physical stress without damage. Moreover, like other massage therapies for example Deep Tissue Massage Therapy, sports massage can also provide athletes a chance to unwind, and stabilize their mood.

Improving sleep

Sleep is a natural physical rehabilitation process. That’s why sound sleep is essential for a healthy body. Chaotic and disturbed sleep interrupts the healing of damaged body areas. This ultimately affects the body’s ability to perform at full capacity. Hence proved, getting adequate rest is important not only for general health but for physical performance.  Sports Massage Irvine focuses on damaged areas of the body, so it plays its part in relieving discomfort and promoting sound sleep.